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Jiaoxi Industrial Concentration Zone, Sanhekou, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China

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Is tinplate environmentally friendly

Published:2022-11-09 16:49:34

The existing containers include tin cans, aluminum cans, paper containers, and plastic containers. These containers have different recycling characteristics, but tin cans outperform other packaging materials in terms of recycling. Based on increasingly strict international environmental management, tin cans have the characteristics of low pollution, recyclability, and energy conservation.

1. Low pollution:

In fact, tinplate is the main raw material for iron can containers, which is environmentally friendly and can be naturally synthesized. Due to the fact that when an iron can is present in the environment, it can be naturally oxidized and restored to its original state of iron oxide, returning to nature. Therefore, the waste iron can pile will synthesize over time and will not form residual environmental pollution. At the same time, the production of iron cans does not require the cutting of trees and will not disrupt ecological balance.

2. Recyclable:

Cannes themselves have a characteristic that cannot be found in other packaging materials - they can be absorbed by magnets. Therefore, magnetic separators can be used to separate cans from waste through magnetic force. This feature makes it easy to recycle 80% of cans. The creation of environmentally friendly covers not only makes the use of cans safer and healthier, but also effectively reduces the amount of waste, which has direct and obvious benefits for recycling operations.

3. Provincial resources:

When removing other pollution residues on tin, the currently developed crusher equipment can effectively remove over 98% of pollutants and provide high-quality scrap iron.


Jiaoxi Industrial Concentration Zone, Sanhekou, Zhenglu Town, Tianning District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China

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